How to Legally Combat Counterfeits on Chinese E-Commerce Sites

In the global marketplace, the proliferation of counterfeit goods on Chinese e-commerce websites poses significant legal challenges for businesses. Platforms such as Alibaba, Taobao, and Pinduoduo are often cited as major sources of counterfeit products. Addressing this issue is crucial for protecting intellectual property (IP) rights, including patents and trademarks. This article explores the legal imperatives for combating counterfeit goods and outlines effective strategies businesses can implement to safeguard their IP assets.

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

Counterfeit products infringe on valuable intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights. These rights are crucial assets that companies have invested significant resources to develop and protect. Vigilant enforcement of these rights is essential to prevent the erosion of their value and to maintain the legal integrity of the brand.

Importance of Trademarks and Patents

Trademarks: Trademarks distinguish your products from those of competitors, ensuring that consumers can identify and trust your brand. Counterfeit goods dilute the strength of your trademarks, leading to consumer confusion and potential loss of brand loyalty. By protecting your trademarks, you ensure that your brand remains distinct and recognizable.

Patents: Patents protect your innovations, granting you the exclusive right to produce and sell your inventions. Counterfeits undermine these exclusive rights, reducing the return on investment for your R&D efforts and potentially impacting your competitive edge. Ensuring that your patents are enforced preserves the uniqueness and competitive advantage of your innovations.

Legal Tools and Strategies

1. First to File Principle

China operates under a “first to file” system for trademarks, meaning that the first entity to file a trademark application owns the rights to that trademark in China. This underscores the importance of promptly filing for trademark protection in China, even before entering the market. Ensure that your trademarks are registered as early as possible to prevent counterfeiters from preemptively registering your brand.

2. Cease and Desist Letters

Issuing cease and desist letters is a common legal strategy to combat counterfeits. These letters formally notify counterfeiters of your IP rights and demand that they stop infringing activities. They serve as a first step towards more aggressive legal action if the infringing party fails to comply. Ensure that these letters are detailed and cite specific legal grounds for the demand.

3. Administrative Actions

China offers administrative avenues to combat counterfeiting. Filing complaints with local Administration for Market Regulation (AMR) offices can lead to raids and seizures of counterfeit goods. This administrative route can be quicker and less expensive than litigation, providing an efficient means to enforce your IP rights. Regular interaction with local AMR offices can help in building a case against repeat offenders.

4. Litigation and Legal Action

Pursuing litigation against counterfeiters is often necessary to set a strong precedent and deter future infringements. Chinese courts have become increasingly sophisticated in handling IP cases, and successful litigation can result in significant financial penalties for counterfeiters. Partner with local legal experts who understand the nuances of Chinese IP law and can navigate the complexities of the legal system.

5. Customs Recordation

Registering your trademarks and patents with Chinese customs authorities allows them to monitor and seize counterfeit goods at the borders. This proactive measure helps prevent counterfeit products from entering or leaving China, thereby reducing their availability in the market.

Solutions to Enhance Legal Protection

1. Enhanced Monitoring and Enforcement

Implement Advanced Monitoring Tools: Invest in technology that can scan e-commerce platforms for counterfeit listings. These tools can use image recognition and keyword tracking to spot potential infringements. By automating this process, you can cover more ground and identify counterfeits more efficiently.

Develop a Reporting System: Create a streamlined process for reporting counterfeit listings to e-commerce platforms. This system should include templates for reporting, a tracking mechanism for follow-up, and a database of previously identified infringers. This organized approach ensures that reports are handled promptly and systematically.

Collect Evidence of IP Infringement: Gather and document evidence of IP rights violations. This includes screenshots of listings, copies of counterfeit product details, and transaction records. Comprehensive evidence strengthens your case when taking legal action or filing complaints with authorities.

Legal Preparation: Before taking any action, ensure that your patents and trademarks are registered and up-to-date. This legal foundation is necessary for all subsequent enforcement actions. Consult with IP attorneys to verify the strength and scope of your protections.

Notify Offenders: Use cease and desist letters to formally notify counterfeiters of their infringement. These letters should be clear, concise, and legally sound, citing specific IP laws and detailing the infringing activities. This step can often lead to voluntary compliance, reducing the need for further legal action.

Administrative Complaints: For persistent offenders, file complaints with local AMR offices. This administrative route can result in rapid enforcement actions, such as raids and seizures. Regularly update your complaints and maintain communication with AMR officials to ensure ongoing enforcement.

Applying for protection of your IP is a crucial precondition for taking any action. Without registered trademarks and patents, your ability to enforce your rights is severely limited. Once your IP is protected, you are in a strong position to contact Chinese companies that are copying your designs and demand they cease their infringing activities.

2. Collaboration with E-Commerce Platforms

Establish Partnerships: Engage directly with e-commerce platforms to build a collaborative relationship. Participate in their anti-counterfeit programs and share insights from your monitoring efforts. This collaboration can lead to quicker identification and removal of counterfeit listings.

Data Sharing: Provide e-commerce platforms with detailed data on your genuine products, including images, descriptions, and unique identifiers. This information helps platforms distinguish authentic products from counterfeits more effectively.

Participate in Industry Initiatives: Join industry groups and initiatives focused on combating counterfeits. These collective efforts can enhance your enforcement capabilities and provide access to shared resources and best practices.


The legal imperative to combat counterfeit goods on Chinese e-commerce platforms is clear. By focusing on protecting patents and trademarks, promptly filing for IP rights, collecting evidence of IP infringement, issuing cease and desist letters, leveraging administrative actions, pursuing litigation, and registering with customs, businesses can effectively safeguard their intellectual property. Implementing these strategies not only protects your brand but also ensures long-term success in the global marketplace. Proactive legal enforcement is essential in maintaining the integrity and value of your IP assets in an increasingly digital and global economy.

Contact us if you need help with drafting of contracts that follows Chinese laws and are enforceable in China, background investigation of Chinese companies, protecting patents, trademarks, verification of contracts to the law in China, or help with other legal challenges that you have in China.

If you require our assistance or have further questions about our services, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Relationship Managers Jan Erik Christensen, at . We look forward to hearing from you and helping your business succeed in China.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional legal counsel. The information contained herein does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Reading this article does not establish an attorney-client relationship between the reader and the author or the author’s organization. Our website aim to provide general information for educational and communication purposes.