Why Generic Contracts are Insufficient for Business Transactions in China


Prospering within China’s multifaceted business environment is no mean feat. It necessitates a deep understanding of its regulatory landscape, which is far from straightforward. Traditionally utilized generic contracts often fall short in providing adequate protection for businesses operating in China, underscoring the importance of tailor-made contracts and strategic decisions regarding dispute resolution venues.


The Need for Verified and Tailor-Made Contracts

Rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach, tailor-made contracts are customized to suit the specific needs and expectations of the parties involved in a transaction. They delve into the specifics of business interactions and comply with the laws and regulations in China, offering superior legal protection compared to their generic counterparts.


Navigating Through Regulatory Complexity

Given China’s layered regulatory landscape, with frequent policy amendments at both national and regional levels, businesses must stay abreast of these changes. Tailor-made contracts provide the flexibility needed to adapt to such a dynamic environment, ensuring sustained legal compliance and minimizing potential disruptions.


Understanding Local Legal Preferences

In the Chinese legal system, contracts penned in the local language and adhering to Chinese law stand a higher chance of enforcement. So the key here is that verified contracts have much higher enforceability in China. If you have a contract that is not adapted to China, it might not be enforceable in China and even break with Chinese laws. A verified contract not only ensures legal validity but also help circumvent communication barriers and cultural misunderstandings, resulting in smoother transactions.


Legal Risk Mitigation and Business Security

Tailor-made contracts, drawn up in Chinese and in accordance with local law, offer a buffer against legal risks by outlining rights, obligations, and dispute resolution procedures. This clarity can deter expensive litigation and foster efficient dispute resolution, securing business operations amidst regulatory alterations, market volatility, and unforeseen events.


Intellectual Property Protection

Intellectual property protection is a critical issue for businesses operating in China due to the strong emphasis on the “first-to-file” system: Those who apply for intellectual property in China, like a design patent, own it in China. Tailor-made contracts address these disparities and incorporate protective measures against IP infringements, offering comprehensive safeguards for businesses.


Choosing the Right Dispute Resolution Venue

The dispute resolution venue, or jurisdiction, can significantly influence the outcome of legal disagreements stemming from a contract. Setting this venue in China can confer substantial advantages, especially when dealing with Chinese suppliers.

Local courts have the power to enforce judgments on Chinese companies, enabling easier enforcement against suppliers in dispute scenarios. They also have the authority to freeze the assets of a Chinese company if a dispute arises. These courts are familiar with local laws and business practices, which can lead to more informed decisions and potentially expedite dispute resolution.

However, enforcing foreign judgments in China can be an uphill battle, given the reluctance of Chinese courts to enforce foreign judgments due to sovereignty concerns and legal system differences. Therefore, the decision to choose the dispute resolution venue should consider these factors.



In China’s complex and dynamic business landscape, generic contracts often fail to offer sufficient protection. The remedy lies in tailor-made contracts and strategic choice of dispute resolution venues, both serving to safeguard business interests in China. By engaging these strategies, businesses can position themselves favorably for long-term success in the Chinese market.



Why are generic contracts insufficient for business transactions in China? Generic contracts often fall short because they don’t offer adequate protection in China’s complex and dynamic business environment. They may not fully address the intricate regulatory landscape, frequent policy amendments, local legal preferences, risk mitigation and security needs, and Intellectual Property (IP) laws unique to China.

What is the advantage of tailor-made contracts? Tailor-made contracts are customized to fit the specific needs and expectations of the parties involved in a transaction. They account for the specifics of business interactions and the intricacies of China’s regulatory environment, offering superior legal protection compared to generic contracts.

How does a tailor-made contract help navigate through China’s regulatory complexity? Tailor-made contracts provide the flexibility needed to adapt to China’s dynamic and frequently changing regulatory environment. This ensures sustained legal compliance and minimizes potential disruptions to business operations.

Why is it important to have contracts in the local language and adhere to Chinese law? Contracts drafted in the local language and complying with Chinese law stand a better chance of enforcement. They also help to avoid communication barriers and cultural misunderstandings, resulting in smoother transactions. Furthermore, because the courts in China will translate English contracts into Chinese, which usually results in inaccurate translations and lower enforceability in China.

How do tailor-made contracts help in legal risk mitigation and business security? Tailor-made contracts, drawn up in Chinese and in accordance with local law, help outline rights, obligations, and dispute resolution procedures, thereby mitigating legal risks. This clarity can prevent expensive litigation and promote efficient dispute resolution, offering business security amid regulatory changes, market volatility, and unforeseen events.

How can tailor-made contracts aid in Intellectual Property (IP) protection? Due to differences in IP laws between China and Western countries, tailor-made contracts can specifically address these disparities and incorporate protective measures against IP infringements, offering comprehensive safeguards for businesses.

Why is choosing the right dispute resolution venue important? The venue, or jurisdiction, can significantly influence the outcome of legal disagreements. Choosing a venue in China means that it will be enforceable in China. It can confer substantial advantages, for example, when dealing with Chinese suppliers, as local courts have the power to enforce judgments on Chinese companies, making dispute resolution more efficient.

What challenges may arise when enforcing foreign judgments in China? Enforcing foreign judgments in China can be challenging due to the reluctance of Chinese courts to enforce foreign judgments, which stems from concerns over sovereignty and differences between legal systems.

How can verified contracts help businesses position themselves for long-term success in China’s market? Businesses can position themselves favorably for long-term success in China by using tailor-made contracts and making strategic decisions regarding the choice of dispute resolution venues. These strategies can safeguard business interests in China’s complex and dynamic business landscape.


Contact us if you need legal help in China, like drafting contracts that follow Chinese law, background investigation of Chinese companies, protecting patents, trademarks, and verification of contracts to the law in China, etc.

If you require our assistance or have further questions about our services, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Relationship Manager, Jan Erik Christensen, at janerik@ncbhub.com. We look forward to hearing from you and helping your business succeed in China.

Contact us if you need help with drafting of contracts that follows Chinese laws and are enforceable in China, background investigation of Chinese companies, protecting patents, trademarks, verification of contracts to the law in China, or help with other legal challenges that you have in China.

If you require our assistance or have further questions about our services, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Relationship Managers Jan Erik Christensen, at janerik@ncbhub.com . We look forward to hearing from you and helping your business succeed in China.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional legal counsel. The information contained herein does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Reading this article does not establish an attorney-client relationship between the reader and the author or the author’s organization. Our website aim to provide general information for educational and communication purposes.