Why Hong Kong is Not the Jurisdictional Answer for China Contracts


The role of Hong Kong-based intermediaries in transactions involving mainland Chinese manufacturers is a significant point of discussion in international business. While these intermediaries appear to offer streamlined transactional processes, such as payment collection and invoice issuance, this convenience often conceals a web of legal complexities. A critical factor contributing to these complexities is the stark difference between the legal systems of Hong Kong and mainland China.

The Legal Divide: Hong Kong vs. Mainland China

Hong Kong, operating under the “one country, two systems” principle, maintains a legal framework significantly influenced by its British colonial past. This system starkly contrasts with mainland China’s legal system, which is rooted in civil law principles with unique characteristics. Transactions conducted through Hong Kong intermediaries, while initially seeming simpler due to language familiarity and a seemingly straightforward banking system, are fraught with potential legal pitfalls due to this fundamental legal system disparity.

Contracts Tailored to Mainland China’s Legal System

To navigate these challenges effectively, businesses must prioritize contracts aligned with mainland China’s legal system, written in Chinese. This alignment ensures enforceability and avoids translation discrepancies during legal disputes. Establishing direct contractual relationships with mainland manufacturers not only clarifies legal protection but also avoids the jurisdictional ambiguities introduced by Hong Kong’s different legal system.

Jurisdictional Challenges and Enforcement Issues

The disparity between the legal systems of Hong Kong and mainland China complicates the enforcement of judgments across these jurisdictions. Employing Hong Kong intermediaries often leads to a diffusion of accountability, with potential for blame-shifting between the Hong Kong entity and the mainland manufacturer. These differences can elongate dispute resolution processes and cause significant project delays, particularly when Hong Kong intermediaries face legal or financial challenges.

The Misleading Facade of Hong Kong Intermediaries

In some instances, mainland Chinese manufacturers use Hong Kong-based intermediaries to obfuscate their operations and evade accountability. This strategy leverages the legal system differences to create a smokescreen, complicating direct legal recourse for foreign businesses. The intermediaries’ role in these setups can blur lines of responsibility and open avenues for financial manipulations, exploiting the legal system gap.

The Imperative of Comprehensive Due Diligence

Given these complexities, businesses must engage in rigorous due diligence, scrutinizing both the Hong Kong intermediary and the mainland manufacturer. Consulting with legal experts familiar with both Hong Kong and mainland China’s legal systems is crucial to developing robust, legally sound contracts that can withstand the intricacies of this bifurcated legal landscape.

The Importance of Choosing Jurisdiction in China and Verifying Chinese Language Contracts

In the intricate realm of international business involving mainland Chinese manufacturers, a critical consideration for foreign companies is the selection of jurisdiction and the drafting of contracts in the Chinese language, tailored to comply with Chinese law. Choosing to place jurisdiction within mainland China significantly eases the enforcement of contracts, ensuring compliance with local legal standards and offering clearer dispute resolution mechanisms. Moreover, having a contract drafted and verified in Chinese eliminates the risks of misinterpretations due to language differences, makes the contract enforceable in China and aligns the agreement with local legal nuances. Keeping these documents updated in line with evolving Chinese laws and regulations further solidifies the foundation for successful international business engagements in this dynamic and complex market.

The Risks of Using Non-Chinese Contracts in Chinese Legal Proceedings

In the landscape of international business dealings with China, the reliance on contracts drafted in languages other than Chinese poses significant risks, particularly when disputes enter the legal system. The core issue lies in the translation of these foreign-language contracts into Chinese for court purposes, a process fraught with potential pitfalls. The primary concern is the accuracy of translation: court-appointed translators may not always capture the complex legal terms and nuances of the original contract accurately. Even minor errors in translation can lead to drastic shifts in the contract’s interpretation under Chinese law. Furthermore, these translations, if inaccurately rendered, could lead to legal misinterpretations, resulting in court judgments that diverge significantly from the original agreement’s terms and intentions. This scenario often introduces not only procedural complexities but also additional costs and delays in the dispute resolution process. Therefore, the risk associated with using non-Chinese contracts in dealings within China highlights the necessity of preparing legally sound and language-appropriate contracts from the outset.


The allure of using Hong Kong-based intermediaries in contracts involving mainland Chinese manufacturers is overshadowed by the significant legal challenges arising from the divergent legal systems of Hong Kong and mainland China. For foreign businesses, understanding and adapting to the mainland Chinese legal framework is essential. This approach, coupled with thorough due diligence and expert legal guidance, is vital for navigating the complex and often treacherous waters of international business involving China.


Q: Why is using Hong Kong intermediaries in China contracts challenging? A: The primary challenge arises from the fundamental differences in the legal systems of Hong Kong and mainland China, leading to complexities in contract enforcement and legal disputes.

Q: How should businesses approach contracts with Chinese manufacturers? A: Contracts should be directly aligned with mainland China’s legal system, preferably drafted in Chinese, to ensure clarity, enforceability, and legal protection without the jurisdictional complications introduced by Hong Kong’s different legal framework.

Q: Can judgments made in Hong Kong courts be enforced in mainland China easily? A: Enforcing Hong Kong court judgments in mainland China is challenging due to the distinct legal systems. While there are mechanisms for enforcement under certain conditions, the process is often complex and uncertain, leading to potential legal and operational hurdles.

Q: Is it advisable for foreign businesses to bypass Hong Kong intermediaries altogether? A: While not a universal rule, in many cases, it’s advisable for foreign businesses to establish direct contracts with mainland Chinese manufacturers. This approach minimizes the risks associated with the legal system disparity and enhances direct oversight and accountability.

Q: How can foreign businesses ensure their contracts are compliant with mainland China’s legal system? A: Businesses should engage legal professionals proficient in mainland China’s legal system to draft or review contracts. It’s also important to ensure that contracts are written in Chinese to avoid translation issues and to align with local legal standards and practices.

Q: How can foreign businesses conduct effective due diligence on Chinese manufacturers? A: Effective due diligence involves comprehensive background checks, understanding the manufacturer’s financial health, verifying their compliance with laws and regulations, and assessing their reputation and legal track record.

Q: What legal issues should be considered in contracts with Chinese manufacturers? A: Key legal considerations include jurisdiction, dispute resolution mechanisms, intellectual property rights, compliance with local trade laws, and clear terms regarding delivery, payment, and quality standards.


Contact us if you need help with background investigation of Chinese companies, protecting patents, trademarks, verification of contracts to the law in China, or help with other legal challenges that you have in China.

If you require our assistance or have further questions about our services, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Relationship Managers Jan Erik Christensen, at janerik@ncbhub.com  or Mila Chen, at huimin.chen@ncbhub.com. We look forward to hearing from you and helping your business succeed in China.


Contact us if you need help with drafting of contracts that follows Chinese laws and are enforceable in China, background investigation of Chinese companies, protecting patents, trademarks, verification of contracts to the law in China, or help with other legal challenges that you have in China.

If you require our assistance or have further questions about our services, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Relationship Managers Jan Erik Christensen, at janerik@ncbhub.com . We look forward to hearing from you and helping your business succeed in China.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional legal counsel. The information contained herein does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Reading this article does not establish an attorney-client relationship between the reader and the author or the author’s organization. Our website aim to provide general information for educational and communication purposes.